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This article details how a user can compare current sales to previous sales by date inside the Decision Logic web application (platform) for managers at all levels.


The Current Sales and History report offers side-by-side comparisons of current sales to the previous day(s), last week’s, and last year's sales. Additionally, it proves other insightful metrics involving:

  • Labor

  • Revenue Origins

  • Comps and Discounts

  • Cash Accountability

  • Guest and Transaction Expenditure

The report can also pair with the Non-Comp feature. The Non-Comp Maintenancepage allows users with ‘Enter’ or ‘Change’ permissions to manage data this is displayed in the Current Sales & History Report for stores that do not want to have data comparison to previous timeframes, such as week, period, or year in the store rollup view. Non-Comp is short for non-comparison in terms of data displayed.

The Store Rollup view of the Current Sales & History Report will display “NC” when Non-Comp date ranges are defined and at least one field is configured to respect Non-Comps.

When labor data is missing, users will need to clear and re-run labor data from the End of Day page.


Payroll must be opened or not yet posted before users can clear and re-run labor in the End of Day.


Please contact your Decision Logic Administrator, Account Manager, or request the flag configuration for the Current Sales & History via the Decision Logic Service Center.


  • Identifying trends across regions, areas, and stores

  • Sales forecasting acuity

  • Operations performance review

  • Trajectory analytics

Example report.

Example Current Sales & History Report with “NC”.

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

For additional questions or assistance, please submit a support ticket by visiting the Decision Logic Service Center.


Unable to access this feature in the Decision Logic platform?

  • Contact your Decision Logic Administrator to make Scope and Security adjustments to your user profile or add new features.

  • Some pages are client-specific.

How do I run the CS&H report?

The Current Sales & History (CS&H) allows the user to run the report either as Gross or Net sales and view data by date or period.

Begin by navigating to:

Reports > Sales and Ranking > Current Sales & History

  1. Select a Company, Region, Area, and Store.

    1. Some menus may be greyed out if:

      1. There is only one sub-hierarchal option available for the given selection.

      2. The user viewing the report has a limited Profile Scope.

  2. Select an available Calendar from the dropdown.

  3. Select the Week when the Enforce Weeks is toggled on or un-toggle Enforce Weeks and select a Date or Date Range.

    1. The green dot indicates the beginning of a Fiscal Week based on the Calendar selected.

    2. The orange triangle indicates the Period Start date based on the Calendar selected.

    3. The Year, Period, and Week will appear in the top-left of the Date Selector once a date is selected.

  4. Click Apply.

Each time you change your preferences, you must click Apply for those changes to take place.

Year Comparison View

This section of the report gives a week-by-week comparison to the previous year for the entire Period of the Week selected. The section displays:

  • Current Year Sales and Guests

  • Last Year Sales and Guests

  • Sales and Guest Difference as a percentage

Current Sales & History Range View

You can view the breakdown for the week or date range selected regardless of whether you enabled Enforce Weeks. However, if Enforce Weeks is disabled, the report will omit Year Comparison and provide all dates in the applicable range.

  • Range Totals aggregate what is actively displayed based on the date range selected..

  • PTD Total and YTD Total (Period and Year-to-Date) aggregate the entire date ranges up to the last date displayed.


Day-of-Week comparison dates for last year are generated by using the calendar date minus 364 days.

For example Monday 8/3/2020 minus 364 days = Monday 8/5/2019

Current Sales & History Rollup View

The last section shows the same metrics as the middle section and the applicable totals in a hierarchical breakdown per Company, Region, Area, and Store.

The Rollup section only renders when a Company, Area, or Region is selected and not when an individual store is selected. The sections are titled by the highest level selected. Users can configure this report to include Non-Comp date ranges.

Company is listed at the bottom, with Regions, Areas, and Stores rolled up above. Each hierarchical level is given an indentation to differentiate them, starting with the level selected.

Users with above-store permissions is needed to access All Stores' Rollup View.

Example of Non-Comp “NC” on Store Rollup View.

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Clicking on a row will narrow all of the reporting displayed on the page to the chosen selection.

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