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This article explains the Budget Report and where to find it on Decision Logic’s web platform.


The Budget Report is the top utilized report to measure Return on Investment (ROI). It is designed as a declining budget and can be configured as a full Profit and Loss (P&L) statement. This report helps operators understand their prime costs. Also, it can be configured for the cost of goods sold and labor or expanded to include all other indirect costs.

Managers can see where their money is being spent as it is occurring to take action to stay within budget, such as:

  • Cutting labor

  • Fixing inventory

  • Ordering less

  • View which controllable costs are most impactful

Budget Reporting is used to compare the Actual amounts to Budgeted amounts and can be displayed as dollars and percentages. Budget Variance will show the difference between the actual and budgeted amounts. Clients can configure any field, calculation, or group of fields from the Daily Sales Report (DSR), POS Admin, PPC Account, Inter Unit Transfer (IUT), or Weekly Budget Field.


Budget entry is typically determined at the enterprise level by the accounting team. At the franchise level, the franchises can set their budget.

Group, Area, Region, and Territory management commonly uses the Budget Report to determine the following:

  • Bonuses for store managers

  • Group, Region, and Company trajectories

  • Cost of areas that are over/under budget to address, such as:

    • Menu structure and pricing

    • Future budget values

    • Resource allocation

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

For additional questions or assistance, please submit a support ticket by visiting the Decision Logic Service Center.


Unable to access this feature in the Decision Logic platform?

  • Contact your Decision Logic Administrator to make Scope and Security adjustments to your user profile or add new features.

  • Some features are client-specific.

Run Budget Report

The Budget Report with automatically update for any new or changed data within the past three days, which includes invoices, sales, labor, and inventory. The report defaults to the current week which includes the most recent seven days. When changes to invoices, sales, labor, and inventory are beyond seven days from today’s date, users will need to take an additional action (Process Budget) to ensure accuracy in the Budge Report.

Begin by navigating to:

Report > Cost and Variance > Budget Report

  1. Select the Report Group, Company, Region, Area, or Store.

    1. Report group, company, region, area, store.pngImage Added

  2. Select the Calendar type.

    1. The Calendar that is selected by default is the most recent Calendar applicable for the selected store(s). Alternative Calendar options available are those where at least one selected store is currently or previously assigned.

    2. The Basic Fiscal Calendar is always available as a baseline option.

      2. Calendar Type.pngImage Added
  3. Select the Budget Report.

  4. Select the Year, Period, and Week

    Users can select Last Week, Period to Date, or Current Week as well

    Date Range.

    1. The Process Budget is checked by default. It shows changes to invoices, sales, labor, or inventory occurred beyond the past seven days. Scroll down to see more details about Proces Budget.

  5. Click Apply.

    1. Changing any of the parameters requires users to re-click Apply.

      1-5 Paramters_apply.pngImage Removed3-4. Date_process budget_apply.pngImage Added

Example Budget Report below. Each client will have a customized Budget Report.

Budget Report Example.pngImage RemovedExample budget report.pngImage Added

Definitions & Calculations



PTD Results

Client-defined categories.

Period & Week (Px Wx)

Refers to the currently selected and displayed date range.

PTD Total

Total sales Period-To-Date.


Last year’s actual budget from Period-To-Date.

Period Budget

Sum of budgeted values for the selected date range.

Weekly Budget

Average of budgeted values for the selected date range.
For example: (P1W2 + P1W3 + P1W4) / 3 weeks

$ Var

PTD Total minus Period Budget (PTD Total - Period Budget)

LY $ Var

Last year’s actual budget in variance by dollar amount.

PTD Total - LY PTD

% Var

$ Var divided by Period Budget ($ Var / Period Budget)

LY % Var

Last year’s actual budget in variance by percentage amount.

LY $ Var / LY PTD

Process Budget

Selecting the Process Budget checkbox before prior to selecting Apply will re-aggregate the data and calculations for the Budget Report and ensure that it displays the most up-to-date information for the selected date range. The box is checked by default.

Process Budget checkbox.pngImage Added

This will account for any changes made regarding new or changed:

  • POS Data and POS Admin mapping.
    ex. sales, labor, payments, discounts, etc.

  • Orders, Invoices, Inventories.
    ex. COGS, dates, quantities/counts, costs, etc.

  • Budget Maintenance.
    ex. structure, sections, fields, calculations.

  • Budget Entry values.

Process Budget.pngImage Removed

Export Report

Click Follow steps 1-5 from the section above, then click Export CSV after applying parameters to export the report.

Export budget report.pngImage RemovedExport CSV Budget Report.pngImage Added

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