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This article shows Decision Logic Administrators how to quickly reconcile cost and variance-related reports when there is a bid file update to received orders.
Bid File Updates Reconciliation allows Decision Logic Administrators to reconcile bid file updates for received orders to correct past cost and variance-related reports. When a bid file’s mapped ingredient, multipliers, or shrink are incorrectly configured when the order was received, users may need to reconcile those changes for accurate reporting.
Users can reconcile a bid file update with orders received from the past 4 weeks. Once an item is reconciled from a bid file update, users can view the item and the number of orders affected for up to 60 days. If users need to reconcile a bid file update beyond the previous 4 weeks, they must submit a support ticket to Decision Logic’s Service Center.
Reconciling a bid file update will automatically rerun all cost and variance-related reporting and ensure accuracy.
Users can run DL Updates for non-related bid file changes to update cost and variance-related reports.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents | ||||
Info |
For additional questions or assistance, please submit a support ticket by visiting the Decision Logic Service Center. |
Info |
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View Bid File Updates Reconciliation
Users will reconcile bid file updates by navigating to:
Maintenance > Product > Bid File Updates Reconciliation
The report provides the Modified Date when the changes occurred on the bid file, Modified By, Distributor, DC Item #, Item Name, Potential Orders Impacted, and the Review and Reconcile action.
Info |
As a reminder, changes to any bid file within the last 4 weeks will appear on the bid file updates reconciliation page for all distributors and stores. |
Users can filter between items that are not reconciled and items that have been reconciled within the last 60 days. Users can also search for a specific distributor, item number, or item name.
Users must take action for each item listed on the Bid File Updates Reconciliation page. If the updates do not affect reporting from the recent past, users will still Review and Reconcile the changes but will not apply the changes to any order(s). Moving forward, the update(s) to the bid file will remain until another update occurs.
When a user reconciles an update to a bid file, Decision Logic will automatically rerun cost and variance-related reports, and no further action is needed.
Reconcile Bid File Update
Begin by navigating to:
Maintenance > Product > Bid File Updates Reconciliation
Select Not Reconciled from the dropdown. Not Reconciled is the default filter.
Click Review and Reconcile next to an item.
The page displays:
The Updated Bid File Values are the current state of the item displayed.
Orders Potentially Impacted because of the update to the Bid File Values listed above. The information provided is:
Store Name.
Order #.
Invoice #.
Date Received.
Case Price.
RMX: Recipe Multiplier.
RMS: Recipe Measure.
IMX: Inventory Multiplier.
IMS: Inventory Measure.
Cycle Impacted.
Check the box next to each Store with the Order that needs reconciliation, or check the top box to select All Orders.
Users can sort the list by clicking the arrow next to any column header.
Click Reconcile (x) orders.
Click Confirm.
Pay close attention to the displayed message. All other orders potentially affected by this bid file update and were not selected to reconcile will be dismissed and considered resolved.
The bid file item is moved from the Not Reconciled page to the Reconciled page. Orders not selected during reconciliation will not be affected and cannot be reconciled until another change occurs to the same bid file item.
The reconciliation will automatically update cost and variance related reporting for orders selected. The user needs no further action.
The Reconciled page displays:
Reconciled Date.
Reconciled By.
DC Item #.
Item Name.
Orders Updated.
Users can sort the data by clicking the arrow next to a column header and search for an item by the distributor, item number, or item name.
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