Versions Compared
- This line was added.
- This line was removed.
- Formatting was changed.
OData v3 compliant
The latest version of the Decision Logic (DL) API is OData v3 compliant and allows various DL endpoints to be queried. Examples of all current DL endpoint usage are included throughout this document, but this is not intended to be an exhaustive OData resource.
As of DL v6.17, collections marked by * have additional restrictions on their OData queries.
All OData queries are case-sensitive.
For more OData best practices, please see:
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
As of DL v6.17, collections marked by * have additional restrictions on their OData queries.
Resource/Collection | Endpoint (case-sensitive) | Assigned page requirement† |
Endpoint Roster | api/odata/v3 | None |
Metadata | api/odata/v3/$metadata | None |
Checks * | api/odata/v3/Checks | Daily Sales Report |
Departments | api/odata/v3/Departments | Authorization only‡ |
Employee Custom Fields | api/odata/v3/EmployeeCustomFields | Employee Roster§ |
Employee Jobs | api/odata/v3/EmployeeJobs | Employee Roster§ |
Employee Stores | api/odata/v3/EmployeeStores | Employee Roster§ |
Employee Transactions | api/odata/v3/EmployeeTransactions | Employee Roster§ |
Employees | api/odata/v3/Employees | Employee Roster§ |
Hot Items IVA Summary * | api/odata/v3/HotItemsIVASummary | Daily Sales Report |
Jobs | api/odata/v3/Jobs | Authorization only‡ |
Line Types | api/odata/v3/LineTypes | Authorization only‡ |
Menu Items | api/odata/v3/MenuItems | Authorization only‡ |
Reduction Types | api/odata/v3/ReductionTypes | Authorization only‡ |
Menu Item Categories | api/odata/v3/MenuItemCategories | Authorization only‡ |
Order Types | api/odata/v3/OrderTypes | Authorization only‡ |
Plate Cost and Sale Price * | api/odata/v3/ PlateCostAndSalePrice | Daily Sales Report |
Product Mix * | api/odata/v3/ProductMix | Daily Sales Report |
Sales * | api/odata/v3/Sales | Daily Sales Report |
Sales By Half Hour * | api/odata/v3/SalesByHalfHour | Daily Sales Report |
Sales Summary * | api/odata/v3/SalesSummary | Daily Sales Report |
Stores | api/odata/v3/Stores | Authorization only‡ |
Theoretical vs Actual (TvA) * | api/odata/v3/TvA | Daily Sales Report |
TimeClock * | api/odata/v3/TimeClock | Payroll Report |
Wage Adjustments | api/odata/v3/WageAdjustments | Payroll Report |
† - The endpoints are restricted based upon the scope assigned in Profile Maintenance. The profile must have at least View access to the required page. (See Figure 1.) The scope identifier is set on the Profiles tab. (See Figure 2.)
‡ - Items do not require an assigned page, though they require valid credentials in the request.
§ - The store restriction applies to the stores mapped to employees. If the ODATA user has access to store A but not store B, an employee at B will not appear until store A is mapped.
Figure 1. Profile Maintenance / Assigned pages
Figure 2. Profile Maintenance / Profiles
Resource/Collection | Unsupported OData query options |
Checks | $orderby |
Hot Items IVA Summary | $expand $orderby |
Plate Cost and Sale Price | $expand $orderby |
Product Mix | $expand $orderby |
Sales | $orderby |
Sales By Half Hour | $orderby |
Sales Summary | $orderby |
Theoretical vs Actual (TvA) | $expand $orderby |
TimeClock | $orderby |
Collections not available for querying | |
HotItemsIvA | Measures |
Inventory | MenuSetMenuItemMap |
InventoryDate | Products |
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
The Decision Logic API uses a Basic Authentication header that is implemented as follows:
A Username consists of an API key and the actual username separated by a colon:
Ie. 000000000000-0000-0000-000000000000:username
The password is a separate entry.
An example - a username of '1234567AA-R2D2-67B4-C3P0-789EB34MC516:helpdesk' and the current password for the helpdesk user. The username and password must belong to a valid user in Decision Logic.
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
The Decision Logic API provides the user with a list of the available endpoints from which data can be queried.
Included in this list are collections which are only available as expand options and cannot be queried.
Retrieve a list of Decision Logic endpoints:
Example response:
Code Block | ||
| ||
<workspace> <atom:title type="text">Default</atom:title> <collection href="Checks"> <atom:title type="text">Checks</atom:title> </collection> . . . <collection href="OrderTypes"> <atom:title type="text">OrderTypes</atom:title> </collection> </workspace> |
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
The Decision Logic API provides the user with a query option that allows clients to request related resources on specific endpoints. The expand options for an endpoint are included in its respective section.
Retrieve a list of available check details that includes related information about the store for each check:
Example response:
Code Block | ||
| ||
<StoreId>140</StoreId> <CustomerStoreId>239</CustomerStoreId> <Address1>1234 N Rock Road</Address1> <City>Wichita</City> <State>KS</State> <ZipCode>67221</ZipCode> <PhoneNumber>321-555-1212</PhoneNumber> <TaxIncluded>false</TaxIncluded> <LiquorTax>0.0000</LiquorTax> <MinimumWage>0.00</MinimumWage> <StMinimumWage>0.00</StMinimumWage> <EODWorkflowId>1</EODWorkflowId> <StoreId>140</StoreId> <Date>2015-09-24T00:00:00</Date> <CheckNumber>264</CheckNumber> <ServerId>0</ServerId> <StartTime>19:48</StartTime> <CloseTime>19:50</CloseTime> <Amount>128.51</Amount> <Tip>0.00</Tip> <CustomerCount>8</CustomerCount> <CreditCardFlag>0</CreditCardFlag> <OrderTypeId>0</OrderTypeId> |
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
The Decision Logic API provides the user with a query option that allows clients to filter an OData response based upon criteria relative to the endpoints being used.
For more OData syntax rules, please see
Retrieve a complete sales summary of all stores on 10/10/17:
GET$filter=Date eq DateTime'2017-10-10'
Example Response:
Code Block | ||
| ||
<SaleSummary> <Id>c36b9cc8-29cb-4337-81aa3bf5c6748edf</Id> <RecordID>1</RecordID> <RecordName>Gross Sales</RecordName> <StoreID>0</StoreID> <CustomerStoreID>0</CustomerStoreID> <StoreName>9999 - Gibbon</StoreName> <Date>2017-10-10T00:00:00</Date> <DepartmentID>222</DepartmentID> <DepartmentName>Non-Alc Bevs</DepartmentName> <TypeID>0</TypeID> <TypeName/> <Amount>104.60</Amount> <Tip>0.00</Tip> <CashBack>0.00</CashBack> <Reason/> <AccountId/> </SaleSummary> . . . <SaleSummary> <Id>1e981a2d-8160-460e-95d7b8b75768bc58</Id> <RecordID>5</RecordID> <RecordName>Payments</RecordName> <StoreID>0</StoreID> <CustomerStoreID>0</CustomerStoreID> <StoreName>9999 - Gibbon</StoreName> <Date>2017-10-10T00:00:00</Date> <DepartmentID>300</DepartmentID> <DepartmentName/> <TypeID>301</TypeID> <TypeName>Visa</TypeName> <Amount>462.88</Amount> <Tip>0.00</Tip> <CashBack>0.00</CashBack> <Reason/> <AccountId/> </SaleSummary> |
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
The Decision Logic API provides the user with a list of the fields of data from each of the available endpoints.
Retrieve a list of fields contained within each of the available Decision Logic endpoints:
Example response:
Code Block | ||
| ||
<EntityType Name="Job"> <Key> <PropertyRef Name="ID"/> </Key> <Property Name="ID" Type="Edm.Int32" Nullable="false"/> <Property Name="Name" Type="Edm.String"/> <Property Name="IsBOH" Type="Edm.Int32" Nullable="false"/> <Property Name="Account" Type="Edm.String"/> <Property Name="Active" Type="Edm.Int32" Nullable="false"/> </EntityType> > |
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
The Decision Logic API provides the ability to combine multiple query options. This allows clients to expand, filter, and/or control the page size in an OData response based upon criteria relative to the endpoints being used.
For more OData syntax rules, please see
Retrieve a complete sales summary of all stores on 10/10/17 with a page size of 20 records:
GET$filter=Date eq DateTime'2017-10-
Example response:
Code Block | ||
| ||
<SaleSummary> <Id>c36b9cc8-29cb-4337-81aa-3bf5c6748edf</Id> <RecordID>1</RecordID> <RecordName>Gross Sales</RecordName> <StoreID>0</StoreID> <CustomerStoreID>0</CustomerStoreID> <StoreName>9999 - Gibbon</StoreName> <Date>2017-10-10T00:00:00</Date> <DepartmentID>222</DepartmentID> <DepartmentName>Non-Alc Bevs</DepartmentName> <TypeID>0</TypeID> <TypeName/> <Amount>104.60</Amount> <Tip>0.00</Tip> <CashBack>0.00</CashBack> <Reason/> <AccountId/> </SaleSummary> . . . <SaleSummary> <Id>1e981a2d-8160-460e-95d7-b8b75768bc58</Id> <RecordID>5</RecordID> <RecordName>Payments</RecordName> <StoreID>0</StoreID> <CustomerStoreID>0</CustomerStoreID> <StoreName>9999 - Gibbon</StoreName> <Date>2017-10-10T00:00:00</Date> <DepartmentID>300</DepartmentID> <DepartmentName/> <TypeID>301</TypeID> <TypeName>Visa</TypeName> <Amount>462.88</Amount> <Tip>0.00</Tip> <CashBack>0.00</CashBack> <Reason/>&page <AccountId/> </SaleSummary> |
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
The Decision Logic API is set to display a default page size of 1000 records for an OData query response. This default should prevent an out of memory exception on requests of large amounts of data.
The user can override the default page size of an OData query response by using the pagesize option:
Retrieve a list of Product Mix with a list size of 100 records (instead of the default 1000 records)
The user can also override the default page size and return all the records of an OData query response.
This is NOT recommended since it increases the likelihood of an out of memory exception.
Retrieve a list of Product Mix with a list size of all records (instead of the default 1000 records)
IMPORTANT! At the bottom of an OData query page, there is a known issue with the URL links (they contain improper XML syntax). We strongly recommend not clicking these links since they can return inconsistent data from the intended query.
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
The Checks endpoint allows a user to query check details. It also allows Store and Order Type as expand options.
Retrieve a list of check details
GET (see Example A)
Retrieve a list of check details that includes related information about the store and/or order type for each check:
Example Responses:
Example A
Code Block | ||
| ||
<Checks> <StoreId>140</StoreId> <Date>2015-09-24T00:00:00</Date> <CheckNumber>264</CheckNumber> <ServerId>0</ServerId> <StartTime>19:48</StartTime> <CloseTime>19:50</CloseTime> <Amount>228.51</Amount> <Tip>0.00</Tip> <CustomerCount>8</CustomerCount> <CreditCardFlag>0</CreditCardFlag> <OrderTypeId>0</OrderTypeId> </Checks> |
Code Block | ||
| ||
<Store> <StoreId>140</StoreId> <CustomerStoreId>239</CustomerStoreId> <Address1>3130 N Rock Road</Address1> <City>Wichita</City> <State>KS</State> <ZipCode>67221</ZipCode> <PhoneNumber>321-555-1212</PhoneNumber> <TaxIncluded>false</TaxIncluded> <LiquorTax>0.0000</LiquorTax> <MinimumWage>0.00</MinimumWage> <StMinimumWage>0.00</StMinimumWage> <EODWorkflowId>1</EODWorkflowId> </Store> <Checks> <StoreId>140</StoreId> <Date>2015-09-24T00:00:00</Date> <CheckNumber>264</CheckNumber> <ServerId>0</ServerId> <StartTime>19:48</StartTime> <CloseTime>19:50</CloseTime> <Amount>128.51</Amount> <Tip>0.00</Tip> <CustomerCount>8</CustomerCount> <CreditCardFlag>0</CreditCardFlag> <OrderTypeId>0</OrderTypeId> </Checks> |
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
The Departments endpoint allows a user to query department information.
Retrieve a list of all departments
GET$filter=DepartmentId lt 4
Example response:
Code Block | ||
| ||
<Departments> <DepartmentId>1</DepartmentId> <Name>Food</Name> <SaleTypeId>1</SaleTypeId> <Active>1</Active> <IsIncluded>1</IsIncluded> <AccountNumber/> </Departments> <Departments> <DepartmentId>2</DepartmentId> <Name>Non-Alc Bevs</Name> <SaleTypeId>1</SaleTypeId> <Active>1</Active> <IsIncluded>1</IsIncluded> <AccountNumber/> </Departments> <Departments> <DepartmentId>3</DepartmentId> <Name>Beer</Name> <SaleTypeId>2</SaleTypeId> <Active>1</Active> <IsIncluded>1</IsIncluded> <AccountNumber/> </Departments> |
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
The Employee Custom Fields endpoint allows a user to query employee custom fields and their respective entries.
Retrieve a list of all employee custom fields for all employees
Retrieve a list of employee custom fields for Employee ID 967
GET$filter=EmployeeID eq 967
Example response:
Code Block | ||
| ||
<EmployeeCustomField> <EmployeeID>967</EmployeeID> <FieldID>1</FieldID> <FieldName>Gender</FieldName> <Value>Female</Value> </EmployeeCustomField> <EmployeeCustomField> <EmployeeID>967</EmployeeID> <FieldID>2</FieldID> <FieldName>Filing Status</FieldName> <Value>Single</Value> </EmployeeCustomField> <EmployeeCustomField> <EmployeeID>967</EmployeeID> <FieldID>3</FieldID> <FieldName>Federal Exemptions</FieldName> <Value>1</Value> </EmployeeCustomField> <EmployeeCustomField> <EmployeeID>967</EmployeeID> <FieldID>4</FieldID> <FieldName>Additional State Withholding Needed</FieldName> <Value>No</Value> </EmployeeCustomField> <EmployeeCustomField> <EmployeeID>967</EmployeeID> <FieldID>8</FieldID> <FieldName>Payroll ID - ADP number</FieldName> <Value>001430</Value> </EmployeeCustomField> |
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
The Employee Jobs API endpoint allows a user to query employees and their respective jobs.
Retrieve a list of employees and their respective jobs
⚠️ WARNING: running such a query without the page size default will take a long time and may result in out of memory exceptions or other technical difficulties.
Retrieve a list of employee jobs for Employee ID 967
GET$filter=EmployeeID eq 967
Example response:
Code Block | ||
| ||
<EmployeeJob> <EmployeeID>967</EmployeeID> <JobID>15</JobID> <StoreID>8</StoreID> <CustomerStoreID>10</CustomerStoreID> <EmpNumber>321</EmpNumber> <JobCode>101</JobCode> <JobName>Clock in Emp</JobName> <POSNumber>304</POSNumber> <PayRate>15.00</PayRate> </EmployeeJob> <EmployeeJob> <EmployeeID>967</EmployeeID> <JobID>27</JobID> <StoreID>8</StoreID> <CustomerStoreID>10</CustomerStoreID> <EmpNumber>321</EmpNumber> <JobCode>217</JobCode> <JobName>Hourly Manager</JobName> <POSNumber>406</POSNumber> <PayRate>15.00</PayRate> </EmployeeJob> |
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
The Employee Transactions endpoint allows a user to query employee transactions.
Retrieve a list of employee transactions
WARNING: running such a query without the page size default will take a long time and may result in out of memory exceptions or other technical difficulties.
Retrieve a list of employee transactions for EmployeeID 967
GET$filter=EmployeeID eq 967
Example response:
<TermComment>Submitted fake customer comments.</TermComment>
<TermReason>Unprofessional Behavior</TermReason>
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
The Employee Stores endpoint allows a user to query store details for individual employees.
Retrieve a list of employees with their store details:
WARNING: running such a query without the page size default will take a long time and may result in out of memory exceptions or other technical difficulties.
Retrieve a list of employees with their store details for Employee IDs less than 100:
GET$filter=ID lt 100
Example response:
<Name>0028 - Park Drive<Name>
<Name>0063 - Bellevue<Name>
<Name>0011 - Orchard<Name>
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
The Employees endpoint allows a user to query employee details. It also allows the following as expand options:
Custom Fields
Retrieve a list of employees and their details:
WARNING: running such a query without the page size default will take a long time and may result in out of memory exceptions or other technical difficulties.
Retrieve a list of employee details for ID less than 100
Example A:
GET$filter=ID lt 10
<Address>1117 TOWBRIDGE<Address>
Retrieve a list of employee details that includes related information about the custom fields, jobs, stores and/or transactions for each employee:
Example B:
<EmergContact>Sam Bamm</EmergContact>
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
The Hot Items IvA Summary endpoint allows a user to query summary of Hot Items IvA details.
Retrieve a summary of Hot Items IvA details
WARNING: running such a query without the page size default will take a long time and may result in out of memory exceptions or other technical difficulties.
Retrieve a summary of Hot Items IvA details on Product ID = 999
GET$filter=ProductID eq 999
Example response:
<HotItemsIvASummary >
<ProductDescription>Pork Shredded</ProductDescription>
<RecipeMeasure>OZ (W)</RecipeMeasure>
<InventoryMeasure>LB</InventoryMeasure> <RecipeMultiplier>16.000</RecipeMultiplier>
</HotItemsIvASummary >
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
The Jobs endpoint allows a user to query job details.
Retrieve a list of jobs and their details
WARNING: running such a query without the page size default will take a long time and may result in out of memory exceptions or other technical difficulties.
Retrieve a list of job details for ID less than 4
GET$filter=ID lt 4
Example response:
<Name>TP Girl</Name>
<Name>TP Bar AM</Name>
<Name>TP Bar PM</Name>
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
The Line Types endpoint allows a user to query line types details.
Retrieve a list of line types
Example response:
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
The Menu Items endpoint allows a user to query menu items info. It also allows Category as an expand option.
Retrieve a list of menu items
Retrieve a list of menu items that includes related information about the menu item category for each menu item
GET$filter= StoreID eq 16 (see Example A)
GET$expand=Category (see Example B)
Example A:
<StoreName>0016</ StoreName >
<CategoryName>Red Wine</CategoryName>
<DepartmentName>Wine</DepartmentName >
<StoreName>0016</ StoreName >
<MenuName>Steak Burrito</MenuName>
<DepartmentName>Food</DepartmentName > </MenuItems>
Example B:
<Name>Bottled Beer</Name>
<StoreName>0016</ StoreName >
<CategoryName> Bottled Beer </CategoryName>
<DepartmentName>Beer</DepartmentName >
<Name>Bottled Beer</Name>
<StoreName>0017</StoreName >
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
The Menu Item Categories endpoint allows a user to query menu item categories info. It also allows Menu Items as an expand option.
Retrieve a list of menu item categories
Retrieve a list of menu item categories that includes related information about the menu item for each menu item category
GET$filter= StoreID eq 16 (see Example A)
GET$expand=MenuItems (see Example B)
Example A: <MenuItemCategories> <ID>34</ID> <Name>Bottled Beer</Name> <Active>1</Active> </MenuItemCategories> <MenuItemCategories> <ID>35</ID> <Name>Burritos</Name> <Active>1</Active> </MenuItemCategories> <MenuItemCategories> < ID>36</ID> < Name>Enchiladas</Name> < Active>1</Active> </ MenuItemCategories> | Example B: <MenuItems> <ID>1</ID> <StoreID>1</StoreID> <StoreName>0016</ StoreName > <MenuSetID>1</MenuSetID> <MenuSetName>Default</MenuSetName> <MenuNumber>165006</MenuNumber> <MenuName>Bud-165006</MenuName> <Price>3.50</Price> <CoverCount>0.00</CoverCount> <CategoryID>34</CategoryID> <CategoryName> Bottled Beer </CategoryName> <DepartmentID>303</DepartmentID> <DepartmentName>Beer</DepartmentName > </MenuItems> … <MenuItems> <ID>1</ID> <StoreID>1</StoreID> <StoreName>0016</ StoreName > <MenuSetID>1</MenuSetID> <MenuSetName>Default</MenuSetName> <MenuNumber>169996</MenuNumber> <MenuName>Zima-169996</MenuName> <Price>4.50</Price> <CoverCount>0.00</CoverCount> <CategoryID>34</CategoryID> <CategoryName> Bottled Beer </CategoryName> <DepartmentID>303</DepartmentID> <DepartmentName>Beer</DepartmentName > </MenuItems> <MenuItemCategories> <ID>34</ID> <Name>Bottled Beer</Name> <Active>1</Active> </MenuItemCategories> |
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
The Order Types endpoint allows a user to query order type details.
Retrieve a list of order types
Example response:
<Name>Dine In</Name>
<Name>Take Out</Name>
<Name>Drive Thru</Name>
<Name>Phone Out</Name>
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
The Plate Cost And Sale Price endpoint allows a user to query plate cost and sale price details.
Retrieve a list of plate cost and prices by store
Note that the endpoint requires the CustomerStoreId parameter to be specified.
Example response:
<MenuDescription>Chili Veg</MenuDescription>
<MenuDescription>Side Salad BYO</MenuDescription>
Anchor | ||||
<MenuDescription>Side Salad</MenuDescription>
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
The Product Mix endpoint allows a user to query product info.
Retrieve a list of product mixes
WARNING: running such a query without the page size default will take a long time and may result in out of memory exceptions or other technical difficulties.
Note that a filter for TransactionDate eq datetime'<datevalue>' is required. Even using a single qualifier may take a long time. See the example below for a multiple-qualifier query.
Retrieve a list of product mixes for Store ID 1111114 on 6/1/2017
GET$filter=TransactionDate eq DateTime'2017-06-
01T00:00:00' and StoreId eq 1114001
Example response:
<d:DLStoreId m:type="Edm.Int32">2</d:DLStoreId>
<d:StoreId m:type="Edm.Int32">1111114</d:StoreId>
<d:StoreName>Bucksnort Roadkill</d:StoreName>
<d:TransactionDate m:type="Edm.DateTime">2017-06-01T00:00:00</d:TransactionDate>
<d:ItemCount m:type="Edm.Int32">3</d:ItemCount>
<d:MenuItemCategoryId m:type="Edm.Int32">11</d:MenuItemCategoryId>
<d:MenuNumber m:type="Edm.Int32">9140</d:MenuNumber>
<d:Net m:type="Edm.Decimal">32.07</d:Net>
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
The Reduction Types endpoint allows a user to query reduction type details.
Retrieve a list of reduction types
Retrieve a list of reduction types with a LineType ID = 3
GET$filter= LineTypeId eq 3
Example response:
<Name>Rang wrong Item-202</Name>
<Name>Rang too many-203</Name>
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
The Sales endpoint allows a user to query a sales summary. It also allows the following as expand options:
Line Type
Reduction Type
Order Type
Menu Item Category
Retrieve a complete sales summary
WARNING: running such a query without the page size default will take a long time and may result in out of memory exceptions or other technical difficulties.
Note: even using a single qualifier may take a long time. See the example below for a multiple-qualifier query.
Retrieve a sales summary for Store 0 on 7/1/2017
GET$filter=StoreID eq 0 and Date eq DateTime'2017-
07-01T00:00:00' (see Example A below)
Retrieve a sales summary that includes related information from the various expand options:
GET$expand=Store (see Example B)
Example A: <Sales> <StoreId>0</StoreId> <Date>2017-07-01T00:00:00</Date> <CheckNumber>456789</CheckNumber> <SequenceNumber>23</SequenceNumber> <ManagerId>0</ManagerId> <MenuNumber>123456</MenuNumber> <LineTypeId>1</LineTypeId> <ItemCount>0</ItemCount> <Amount>0.00</Amount> <Tax1>0.00</Tax1> <Tax2>0.00</Tax2> <ReductionTypeId>0</ReductionTypeId> <MenuItemCategoryId>104</MenuItemCategoryId> <DepartmentId>1</DepartmentId> <OrderTypeId>2</OrderTypeId> <Hour>11</Hour> </Sales> . . . | Example B: <Store> <StoreId>13</StoreId> <StoreName>0013 - Gibbon</StoreName> <Address1></Address1> … </Store> <Sales> <StoreId>13</StoreId> <Date>2017-07-11T00:00:00</Date> <CheckNumber>24777</CheckNumber> <SequenceNumber>221</SequenceNumber> <ManagerId>0</ManagerId> <MenuNumber>108002</MenuNumber> <LineTypeId>1</LineTypeId> <ItemCount>5</ItemCount> <Amount>40.75</Amount> <Tax1>0.00</Tax1> <Tax2>0.00</Tax2> <ReductionTypeId>0</ReductionTypeId> <MenuItemCategoryId>111</MenuItemCategoryId> <DepartmentId>1</DepartmentId> <OrderTypeId>0</OrderTypeId> <Hour>0</Hour> </Sales> |
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
The Sales By Half Hour endpoint allows a user to query a sales summary in half hour increments.
Retrieve a complete sales summary in half hour increments
WARNING: running such a query without the page size default will take a long time and may result in out of memory exceptions or other technical difficulties.
Note: even using a single qualifier may take a long time. See the example below for a multiple-qualifier query.
Retrieve a sales summary for Store 0 on 7/1/2017 in half hour increments
GET$filter=StoreID eq 0 and Date eq
Example response:
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
The Sales Summary endpoint allows a user to query sales summary details.
Retrieve a complete sales summary of all stores
WARNING: running such a query without the page size default will take a long time and may result in out of memory exceptions or other technical difficulties.
Note: even using a single qualifier may take a long time. See the example below for a multiple-qualifier query.
Retrieve a sales summary for Store 0 on 7/1/2017
GET$filter=StoreID eq 0 and Date eq DateTime'2017-06-01T00:00:00'
<SaleSummary> <Id>c36b9cc8-29cb-4337-81aa3bf5c6748edf</Id> <RecordID>1</RecordID> <RecordName>Gross Sales</RecordName> <StoreID>0</StoreID> <CustomerStoreID>0</CustomerStoreID> <StoreName>9999 - Gibbon</StoreName> <Date>2017-06-01T00:00:00</Date> <DepartmentID>222</DepartmentID> <DepartmentName>Non-Alc Bevs</DepartmentName> <TypeID>0</TypeID> <TypeName/> <Amount>104.60</Amount> <Tip>0.00</Tip> <CashBack>0.00</CashBack> <Reason/> <AccountId/> </SaleSummary> .. | <SaleSummary> <Id>1e981a2d-8160-460e-95d7b8b75768bc58</Id> <RecordID>5</RecordID> <RecordName>Payments</RecordName> <StoreID>0</StoreID> <CustomerStoreID>0</CustomerStoreID> <StoreName>9999 - Gibbon</StoreName> <Date>2017-06-01T00:00:00</Date> <DepartmentID>300</DepartmentID> <DepartmentName/> <TypeID>301</TypeID> <TypeName>Visa</TypeName> <Amount>462.88</Amount> <Tip>0.00</Tip> <CashBack>0.00</CashBack> <Reason/> <AccountId/> </SaleSummary> |
Example response:
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
The Stores endpoint allows a user to query store locations.
Retrieve a complete list of stores
Retrieve a list of only stores located in Nebraska
GET$filter=State eq ‘NE’
Example response:
<Name>0010 - Gibbon South</Name>
<Address1>515 West Avenue</Address1>
<Name>0045 - Bellevue</Name>
<Address1>9001 Delilah Way</Address1>
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The Theoretical vs Actual (TvA) endpoint allows a user to query TvA metrics.
Retrieve a list of Theoretical vs Actual metrics for all stores
WARNING: running such a query without the page size default will take a long time and may result in out of memory exceptions or other technical difficulties.
Note: even using a single qualifier may take a long time. See the example below for a multiple-qualifier query.
Retrieve a list of Theoretical vs Actual metrics for Store 0 since Inventory Date on/after 7/1/17 GET$filter=StoreId eq 0 and InventoryDate ge
Example response:
<ProductName>Cookies, ILoveCookies</ProductName>
<ProductName>20 oz Btl Crisco Vegetable Oil</ProductName> <ProductMeasure>BTL</ProductMeasure>
<VarianceAmountDollars>1.05</VarianceAmountDollars> </TvaDataDto>
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The TimeClock endpoint allows a user to query time clock entries.
Retrieve a complete list of time clock entries
WARNING: running such a query without the page size default will take a long time and may result in out of memory exceptions or other technical difficulties.
Retrieve a list of time clock entries for Store 0 since midnight on 7/1/17
GET$filter=StoreID eq 0 and ClockIn ge
Example response:
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The WageAdjustments endpoint allows a user to query employee details for pay adjustments. These pay additions or deductions are entered through Store Payroll and Payroll Process. Examples include bonuses, advances, supplemental training wages, or fees.
Retrieve a complete list of wage adjustments
WARNING: running such a query without the page size default will take a long time and may result in out of memory exceptions or other technical difficulties.
Retrieve a list of all wage adjustments for shifts on 05/17/2021
GET$filter=Date ge DateTime%272021-05-
Example response:
<ArrayOfWageAdjustment xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<StoreName>345 – Example Store</StoreName>
<EmployeeName>John Doe</EmployeeName>
<StoreName>456 – Example Store2</StoreName>
<EmployeeName>Jane Doe</EmployeeName> <AdjustmentId>3</AdjustmentId>
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