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Menu Profitability helps operators understand the cost of creating all menu item recipes in a menu set. Understanding plate cost can help you make decisions about your menu prices, promotions, cost, recipe, or product changes.
This report will display information by menu item, product and menu set category.
Menu Profitability will show the Plate Cost using the market price and multipliers as of the end of the date the report is ranrun.
The Menu Profitability calculates similar is calculated similarly to the Plate Cost Report using the Price from the Menu Set price that exists in Menu Maintenance.
It does not pull the price from your POS like other sales reports in Decision Logic doesdo.
Plate Cost and Menu Profitability looks at the ingredients of the indicated Menu Item, pulls their market multipliers and prices, and then comes out with a total cost from ingredients for that Menu Item.
The average price of the menu item is calculated by taking the sales data from UDT for the Sale Dollars value (including the void and comp $ amount, but excluding Discount $) from the total.
We take that total Dollar amount of the item and divide it by the total number that was sold.
If your average price is higher than the Menu Price, you will want to validate that the correct menu price has been entered in Menu Maintenance.
can reflect a negative amount when no options are rung up.
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