How do I view, edit, or delete a posted order (Order History)?

How do I view, edit, or delete a posted order (Order History)?

Operators can easily manage and edit past orders through the Decision Logic platform. Store-level users can view orders on the Ordering Home tab and Order History tab. Decision Logic Administrators and above-store managers can edit and delete orders. This article will walk through all options.



The order history within the ordering home tab provides a quick view of past orders by Distributor and posted Date range.  Additionally, you can filter orders that have Exceptions.  

There may be times when you update your received invoice because an item may have a substitution, the price is incorrect, or there is a catchweight item on your order when delivered.  Adjustments to orders are called Exception Based Receiving (EBR).


Check out this video on how to view, edit, and delete past orders, or keep scrolling.


Access Order History

All available options will follow steps 1-6. Begin by navigating to:

Operations > Direct Order Entry > Ordering Home 

  1. Select a Distributor from the dropdown.

  2. Select the dates From and To.  This is the date range to view past orders.

  3. Click Search.  The results will include orders that have and have not been received.

  4. Highlight an order.

  5. Right-click on your mouse.

  6. Select either:

    1. View - to view the order details.

    2. Edit - to edit the order details.

    3. Delete - to delete the order.


An X icon means the user canceled the order.  A triangle icon means the order was not sent to the distributor, often due to connectivity issues.  If the triangle icon still appears after 15 minutes of placing the order, please submit a ticket to our Decision Logic Service Center.


View Order

The view selection only allows users to view the order details.  It does not allow users to make edits or delete an order.



Edit Quantity on Order

Users with ‘change’ permissions, such as DL Admins, can update:

  • Received amount

  • Reason change for exceptions

  • Received Date

  • Invoice #

Make the updates and Save Changes.



Delete Order

Users with ‘change’ permissions, such as DL Admins, can delete orders.

Decision Logic does not recommend deleting orders since it can affect COGS, IvA, and TvA reporting.  Orders cannot be recovered once deleted. Users would have to enter a ‘manual receive’ order to correct reports.

Before an order is deleted, a popup box will appear to confirm if you do or do not want to delete the order.



Exception Based Received Order

Users can filter orders with exceptions from the past 7 days, 30 days, or 60 days from the dropdown on the Ordering Home tab.  Please follow the steps listed above to edit past orders, including those with exceptions.



View - Order History Tab

The view Order History tab provides a larger space to select past orders or view, edit, or delete. 

Begin by navigating to:

Operations > Direct Order Entry > Ordering Home > Order History

  1. Select the Company, Region, Group, and Store.

  2. Define your Start and End date range.

  3. Click Search.

  4. Highlight an order.

  5. Click the Gear icon.

    1. Select either:

      1. View - to view the order details.

      2. Edit - to edit the order details.

      3. Delete - to delete the order.



Scroll up to see the view option, edit an order, or delete an order.

What are the features of the Ordering Home page (overview)?

How do I enter or post an electronic order?

How do I receive electronically placed orders?

How do I receive electronically placed orders with ‘Exceptions’ & what does that mean?

How do I manually receive orders?

How do I enter (receive) paid-outs?

How do I manually receive electronic credits (e-credits)?

How do I sort my Order Guide from sheet to shelf & set PARs?

How do I transfer to & receive products from another store (IUT)?

How do I place an order through the mobile app (Manager’s Toolbox)?


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