Employee Insert Validation
This feature is only available for Decision Logic Pro clients using Aloha HR Bridge, World Manager, Revel, or Qu Point of Sale integrations.
Employee Insert Validation allows managers and administrators to verify successful employee creation or updating in the Point of Sale or other integration destinations.
Adding Employee Insert Validation to User Profiles
Decision Logic site administrators can add this page to user profiles using Where & how do I create profiles? Assigned Pages tab.
Locate Employee Insert page under Operations > Labor Scheduling. If the page is grayed out, it has not been added to the profile. Place a check in the box and scroll down to save that page to the profile selected. After adding it to their profile, users will need to log out and back in to see the page in their site menu.
This page will respect the scope and security permissions defined when assigning the page to each profile.
Begin Validation
Once employees have been entered into Employee Roster , this information will be pushed into your point of sale. Use this validate page to confirm insert or take actions on failures. Begin by navigation to:
Operations > Labor Scheduling > Employee Insert Validation
Select the Company, Region, Area or Store.
Select the Date Range.
Select an Integration from the dropdown.
Click Search.
Report results will display details with the following information
Employee first and last name
Integration Type
Change Type
Last Updated date and time
Review Status and take action on failures.
Select Reprocess to send the employee information again.
Employee insert failures will be listed in the Status column of the report. Below are some examples of causes and solutions for failures:
Another active Employee exists with the same PIN
this can be resolved by changing the employee PIN Employee Roster to a unique number. Use the Generate button to generate the next available random 6 digit PIN.
Multiple Employees exist with the same name at this Store
Terminate any duplicates using the Employee Roster
Request Failed with Invalid data
Review Employee Roster to ensure all required fields are defined, make changes as needed, enter effective date and save.
The moment you save in the Employee Roster, a "Queued" message will appear on the Employee Insert Validation page. The process of that message can take up to 3-5 minutes to complete. When the message is processed you will see a green or a red icon indicating the results status.
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