Ticket Time Ranking

Ticket Time Ranking


This report is used to view how your stores in the company, region, or group selected rank compared to each other by choosing one of the metrics:

  • by Day Part

  • by Duration


Once the hierarchy, report layout, and start and end date are filled, pressing next will take you to the report. These are all available to adjust in the report on the next page.


Decision Logic KDS (Kitchen Display System) reporting requires that an integration be established. We currently support the following systems through a daily UDT task.

  • Micros QSR

  • Aloha KDS

  • Delphi Drive Thru Timing

If you have one of the KDS products listed and are interested in setting up an integration, please contact your Decision Logic Account Manager and submit the request through the Implementations and Integrations Portal.

Site Menu Navigation

Reports > Sales and Ranking > Ticket Time Ranking

By Day Part

With this Report Layout, stores will be listed with a Rank based on the Ticket Time you select. The page initially loads with the Stores Ranked in alphanumeric order. The following columns are the Ticket Times established on the KDS Maintenance page. Each Ticket Time metric is clickable and will sort the stores based on which Ticket Time you select.

In each ticket-time bucket, you will see the percentage of tickets per store and date range selected that fall into the range as both a percentage and as a number of tickets in parenthesis.

The report is organized with Total tickets for the day as the top section, followed by sections for each Day Part as they are established in the KDS Maintenance Page.

By Duration

With this Report Layout, stores will be listed with a Rank based on the Day Part you select. The page initially loads with the Stores Ranked in alphanumeric order. The next columns are the Day Parts established in the KDS Maintenance page. Each Day Part metric is clickable and will sort the stores based on which Day Part you select.

In each day-part bucket, you will see the percentage of tickets per store and date range selected that fall into the range as both a percentage and as a number of tickets in parenthesis.

The report is organized as sections for each Ticket Time range as they are established in the KDS Maintenance Page.


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