What and where is the Top 20 Food IvA report?

What and where is the Top 20 Food IvA report?


This article shows users where to find the Top 20 Food IvA report and what it means.


The Top 20 Food IvA reports display food items that have the highest cost variance in dollars and likely need attention.  This report lists items from the most costly to the least for the top 20 items.  Operators can also view this report by Usage Efficiency, a visualization of the dollar variance as a percentage of Ideal Usage. 

Items with the “IvA” box checked inside Ingredient Management are eligible to appear on this report if the item falls within the top 20 highest cost variance. In addition, ingredients are managed in Ingredient Management for users with “change” permissions, such as a Decision Logic Administrator.


Some examples of how operators can reduce high-cost variance are:

  • Daily hot item inventory counts for high-cost and high-velocity items.

  • Ensure correct portioning at the Point of Sale.

  • Ensure orders are received correctly and on time.

  • Scale calibration.

  • Pour tests for bartenders, if applicable.


View Top 20 Food IvA Report

Once logged into Decision Logic from a web browser, navigate to:


Reports > Cost and Variance > Top 20 Food IvA


  1. Select the Company, Region, Area, and Store.

  2. Select a Date Range.

    1. The green dot under a date represents the beginning of a store’s inventory cycle. When multiple stores are selected, users may see multiple labor calendars.

    2. Period Start is the beginning of that store’s period.

  3. Users can toggle Usage Efficiency if applicable.

    1. Usage Efficiency: This shows the select store(s) usage efficiency and the company’s efficiency for each item.

  4. Click Apply.



If users do not toggle usage Efficiency when running the report, the results will appear in order from the highest variance based on Cost. Additionally, users can click on an individual item to display the Product Details, which provides a more in-depth look at the calculations for the item.

The report displays the Recipe Variance, Inventory Variance, Cost Variance, and % of Sales affected.

The Cost is the market value of how much it would cost to replace the item.



Product Details

Usage Efficiency

Usage Efficiency is a visualization of the dollar variance as a percentage of Ideal Usage. In addition, the report shows a bar graph for Store(s) Efficiency and a vertical line for Company Efficiency.  These metrics are a comparison between the store selected and other stores.

Clicking on an individual item will pull up the Product Details page, which provides a more in-depth look at the calculations for the item.  Check out the image above.



The goal is to strive for 100% usage efficiency for Store(s) and Company Efficiency.



Metric Name


Recipe Total

Recipe Units x Units Sold

Recipe Mx

Conversion between Ingredient’s Inventory Measure and its Recipe Measure.

Example:  1 Case = 4 Each.  1 Each = 6 LBs.

Ideal Usage

Recipe Total / Recipe Mx; sum of all inventory unit totals

Actual Usage

Beginning Inventory + Orders Received - Ending Inventory

Orders Received includes credits and Inter Unit Transfers (IUT)


Actual Usage - Ideal Usage

Usage Efficiency

1 - (Recipe Variance / Ideal Usage)

Table of Contents

For additional questions or assistance, please submit a support ticket by visiting the Decision Logic Service Center.

Unable to access this feature in the Decision Logic platform?

  • Contact your Decision Logic Administrator to make Scope and Security adjustments to your user profile or add new features.

  • Some features are client-specific.


Print or Export Report

After logging into the web-based application, navigate to:


Reports > Cost and Variance > Top 20 Food IvA


  1. Select the Company, Region, Area, or Store.

  2. Select a Date Range.

    1. The dots under a date represent an inventory cycle and will default to the current week.

  3. Users can toggle Usage Efficiency if applicable.

    1. Usage Efficiency: This shows the select store(s) usage efficiency and the company’s efficiency for each item.

  4. Click Apply.

  5. Click Export CSV or Print.


Example Export


Check out these helpful links.

What and where is the Beverage IvA report?

What and where is the All Food IvA report?

What and where is the Negative Food IvA report?

What and where is the Non-IvA Usage report?

What and where is the Cost and Variance report, and how do I customize or export it?

What and where is the Payroll Report?

What and where is the TvA Store Summary report?

What and where is the Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) report?


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