How do I generate and adjust sales forecasting?

How do I generate and adjust sales forecasting?

This article shows operators how to generate and adjust sales forecasting to aid in creating labor schedules.


Operators can generate and adjust sales forecasting in the labor scheduler and sales forecasting page.  Forecasting and adjusting sales, customer count, or check count gives operators accurate projected labor calculations and analytics.

Operators can make Adjustments to their forecast by entering an increase or decrease in Percentage or Forecasted Dollar Amount, Customer Count or Check Count per day, per store.

The maximum forecasted amount is $200,00 per day when forecasting by Dollar Amount.

Customer Count and Check Count forecasting is enabled by Decision Logic. Please submit a ticket or reach out to your Account Manager to change your forecasting preference.

Adjusting forecasted gives operators more control over their labor costs, ensuring the right people are staffed for the right sales volume that the restaurant is expected to produce.

Operators who can accurately forecast sales have better metrics to utilize when creating schedules, which can lead to the following:

  • Lower labor cost

  • Lower turnover

  • Higher profitability


Decision Logic recommends the sales forecast amount by making predictions from the previous six weeks of data.  Decision Logic does not consider days that are outliers, such as days without sales due to store closure.

Operators must generate a sales forecast before creating a labor schedule.  Forecasted sales can be adjusted after a labor schedule is posted.


Projected Sales + Adjustments = Forecast


Generate Sales Forecasting

Begin by navigating to:

Operations > Forecasting > Sales Forecasting


  1. Select a Store if you have access to multiple locations.

  2. Select the Week you want to generate sales forecasting.

  3. Click Generate Sales Forecast.


  4. Users can make Adjustments to their forecast by entering an increase or decrease in Percentage or the forecasting Dollar, Customer Count, or Check Count amount per day.

  5. Click Save if Adjustments are made.


    1. Example: Forecast by Check Count.


    2. Example: Forecast by Customer Count.


Clicking Generate Sales Forecast saves the forecast. As a result, operators can accept Decision Logic’s projected sales forecasting and choose not to make any adjustments.  No additional action is required if operators choose not to make any adjustments. They will simply move on to the Labor Scheduler.



Adjust Forecasted Sales

Operators can choose to adjust the forecast that Decision Logic has calculated by increasing or decreasing the percentages in the Adjustment column, or updated the amount in the Forecast column. The following section assumes that operators have already generated sales forecasting.

Begin by navigating to:

Operations > Forecasting > Sales Forecasting


  1. Select a Store if you have access to multiple locations.

  2. Select the Week you want to generate sales forecasting.

  3. Update amounts for a date in the Adjustment column or change the total amount in the Forecast column.

    1. Amounts entered in positive number format in the Adjustment column will increase the Forecasted amounts.

    2.  Amounts entered in parenthesis in the Adjustment columns will reduce the Forecasted amount.

    3. Weather is indicated on the week view.

  4. Click Save.


Lightly grayed-out spaces indicate that the date has passed or is today’s date, and no changes can be made.



Operators can reset any adjustments to Decision Logic’s initial generation of forecasted sales by clicking Reset Week followed by Yes.






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