How do I assign pages & dashboards to users or profiles?

This article provides Decision Logic Administrators details in outlining feature (page) access, the scope for reporting, and assigning dashboards within the V6 platform.


Decision Logic’s platform allows customization of feature access, such as visibility into reports and dashboards.  The security permissions and scope are attached to profiles.  Profiles need to be created before assigning features and dashboards.

A brand may want to group access to features of the platform based on roles and responsibilities, such as:

  • Corporate.

  • DL Admins.

  • Franchisee.

  • Support Team.

  • Regional / Above-store Managers.

  • Store Manager.


Table of Contents

For additional questions or assistance, please submit a support ticket by visiting the Decision Logic Service Center.

Assign Pages

Features (pages) are defined at the profile level rather than per user. Therefore, users must be attached to a profile before features (pages) can be assigned.

Users in the same profile will have identical permissions to pages, security level, and reporting access.


Maintenance > Company > Profile Maintenance > Assigned Pages


  1. Select a Profile from the dropdown.

  2. Check the box next to each page this profile should have access to.

  3. Select the Security access level for each page.

    1. View:  the profile has only view access for that page.

      1. Some pages only allow View access.

    2. Enter:  the profile can view and enter information in available fields for that page.

    3. Change:  the profile can view, enter, and change information for that page.


  4. Define the Scope level of the selected page(s) for the profile.

    1. Store: the store assigned has access.

    2. Group:  the group and store assigned have access.

    3. Region:  the region, group, and store assigned have access.

    4. Company:  the company, region, group, and store assigned have access.

    5. All: all companies and levels assigned in that brand have access.   

  5. Click Save.




Remove Pages

Removing assigned pages to a profile follows similar steps as adding pages.

Maintenance > Company > Profile Maintenance > Assigned Pages

  1. Select a Profile from the dropdown.

  2. Check the box next to each page this profile should no longer have access to.

  3. Click Remove.


  4. Click OK to confirm.




Assign or Remove Dashboards to Profiles

Dashboards are connected to profiles that users are attached to.  You can assign or remove dashboards by following similar steps.


Maintenance > Company > Profile Maintenance > Assigned Dashboards


  1. Select a Profile from the dropdown.

  2. Check the box next to the dashboard this profile should have access to.

    1. To remove a dashboard, check the box next to the dashboard this profile should not have access to.

  3. Click Save.


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