How do I sort my Order Guide from sheet to shelf & set PARs?

How do I sort my Order Guide from sheet to shelf & set PARs?

This article will show operators how to arrange an order guide and define PARs in the Decision Logic web application.


The Guide Setup tab allows managers to sort their order guide from sheet to shelf and set pars.  

Sheet to shelf is when you sort your order guide to reflect your store’s layout.  Sorting your guide will help you quickly find items when placing an order.

You can drag and drop items from one category or within categories for any Order Guide your store is assigned.  You can also edit or print your order guide from this tab.

PAR (Periodic Automatic Replacement) is the minimum level of inventory you need on hand between truck orders. Users set the PAR based on the day of the week they place the order. For example, if you place orders on Tuesdays, you will enter the PAR for Tuesday. The PARs will appear on the Digital Manager mobile application. Days that do not have a PAR entered will not appear on the mobile app.

The measurements available to order are determined by how the Bid File item is configured.

Catchweight items will have CASE as the order measurement.

Items with an unchecked box next to Broken Case will display CASE as the order measurement.

Items with the box checked next to Broken Case allow the user the option to select one of the Order By options:

  • Each

  • Case

  • Both. If “both” is selected, then CASE will appear as the order measurement.

The measurement will appear on the Digital Manager mobile app when placing an order. It may be different than the inventory measurement.


Sort Order Guide

Distributor Item Numbers on order guides are added into Decision Logic from the bid file integration or above-store level. Therefore, the item numbers listed within the Guide Setup are available to order.

Begin by navigating to:

Operations > Direct Order Entry > Ordering Home > Guide Setup

  1. Select the Company, Region, Group, and Store.

  2. Select a Distributor from the dropdown.

  3. Click the ‘Enable Drag & Drop’ box.

  4. Select a Category.

  5. Highlight an Item and drag & drop it in the order you’d like or into another category.  The platform will automatically save your progress.

    1-5_Order Guide Update_2024.png


Adjust PARs

Again, PARs are thresholds for each item that needs to be in your store (on hand).  This helps operators determine how much of an item (quantity) needs ordering.

The measurements available to order are determined by how the Bid File item is configured.

Catchweight items will have CASE as the order measurement.

Items with an unchecked box next to Broken Case will display CASE as the order measurement.

Items with the box checked next to Broken Case allow the user the option to select one of the Order By options:

  • Each

  • Case

  • Both. If “both” is selected, then CASE will appear as the order measurement.

The measurement will appear on the Digital Manager mobile app when placing an order. It may be different than the inventory measurement.


Bid File CASE Ordering Measure Example 1


Broken Case_No.png


Bid File EACH, CASE, or BOTH Ordering Measure Example 2



PAR Example:

For example, if your store should have 5 cases of bread at all times (PAR) and you have 3 cases of bread at the store (on hand), then you would want to order 2 cases of bread.

When you include the 3 cases you already have (on hand) plus the 2 cases you will order, the 5 cases (PAR) have been met.

5 par = 3 cases (on hand) + 2 cases (need to order)

Begin by navigating to:

Operations > Direct Order Entry > Ordering Home > Guide Setup

  1. Select the Company, Region, Group, and Store.

  2. Select a Distributor from the dropdown

  3. Select a Category.

  4. Click Edit Item Info.  This will display all items within the selected category.

  5. Update the PAR field(s) for each day of the week. Users will only enter PARs for the days they are placing orders. For example, if you place an order on Tuesday for a Thursday delivery, you will enter the PARs on Tuesday. The distributor typically determines the delivery date.

    1. Measure is either CASE or EACH and is determined by the Bid File configuration for the Broken Case option. The measurement will appear on the Digital Manager mobile app when placing an order. This measure may be different than the inventory measure.

    2. Add Notes if desired.

    3. Select a different Category to update PARs for that Category.

  6. Click Save.



PARs and Notes will appear on the Digital Manager mobile application.


Print Order Guide

Operators can place orders through our mobile app.  However, your store may prefer to print the order guide and manually write down your order needs, then return to the web application to post your order.  Decision Logic allows operators to print their order guide in whole or by category.

Begin by navigating to:

Operations > Direct Order Entry > Ordering Home > Guide Setup

  1. Select the Company, Region, Group, and Store.

  2. Select a Distributor from the dropdown.

  3. Select a Category.

  4. Click Print Guide.

  5. Check the boxes next to the Categories you want to print.

  6. Click Print.

Table of Contents

For additional questions or assistance, please submit a support ticket by visiting the Decision Logic Service Center.

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