How do I enter (receive) paid-outs?

How do I enter (receive) paid-outs?

This article will walk you through entering paid-outs into the Decision Logic platform.


Paid outs are purchases made outside of the Decision Logic platform and are paid for by cash from the store or a credit card.  

For example, when a store runs out of a product and needs to purchase the item from the local grocery store.  When that occurs, the manager will borrow money from the store (cash or credit card) to purchase the item.

At Decision Logic, we call this receive process “manual receive from inventoried items” in our platform and refer to them as orders. Therefore, for accurate Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) and Cost & Variance reports, the product purchased as a paid-out (the grocery store items) must be “manually received from inventoried items.”

The Daily Sales Report (DSR) and End of Day report will report the dollar amount, reason, or account for paid-outs entered into the Point of Sale or End of Day in Decision Logic (depending on your entry type).  This will also update Cash Accountability and Cash O/S.

Be sure to keep the receipt!  You will need the purchase receipt to correctly receive the order (enter the paid out).



Check out this video on how to manually receive invoices, electronic credits, and paid-outs, or keep reading!

Enter Paid Out

Follow the steps below to quickly enter a paid out and restore accuracy to the reports mentioned above.

Begin by navigating to:

Operations > Direct Order Entry > Ordering Home > Enter Manual Receive


  1. Select the Company, Region, Group, and Store.

  2. Choose Select from Inventoried Items for the Receive Method.

  3. Verify the Date Received.

  4. Enter the Invoice Number.  The invoice number can be the receipt’s number or “Paid Out,” for example.

  5. Check the Create Invoice box.


  6. Select the Vendor, such as ‘grocery store.’

  7. Select the Invoice Type.

  8. Enter the receipt or paid out Amount.

  9. Click Next.


  10. Enter the Quantity amount next to the item that most closely resembles your purchase.

  11. Enter the Extended Price amount for each item. The Invoice Total must match the receipt exactly.

  12. Click Review.


  13. Click Post Received.


  14. Click Continue.


Manually receiving will generate an order number in Order History. In addition, the invoice will appear in Invoice History.

Users may need to enter the paid-out in the Point of Sale (POS). Check with your Decision Logic Administrator for the correct procedure.

The End of Day report will automatically update if automatic paid-outs are enabled on the Point of Sale (POS) integration.

If the Point of Sale (POS) does not have automatic paid-outs enabled, managers will need to enter paid-outs into the End of Day reporting manually.

Affected Reports

Receiving orders directly impacts Cost of Goods Sold (COGS), Ideal vs. Actual (IvA), Theoretical vs. Actual (TvA), and Cost and Variance reports. Therefore, it is essential that you carefully review the orders you are receiving and receive them when the order is delivered.


Check out some helpful links below.

What are the features of the Ordering Home page (overview)?

How do I enter or post an electronic order?

How do I receive electronically placed orders?

How do I receive electronically placed orders with ‘Exceptions’ & what does that mean?

How do I manually receive orders?

How do I manually receive electronic credits (e-credits)?

How do I view, edit, or delete a posted order (Order History)?

How do I sort my Order Guide from sheet to shelf & set PARs?

How do I transfer to & receive products from another store (IUT)?

How do I place an order through the mobile app (Manager’s Toolbox)?


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