Hunger Rush Close the Day Procedure and UDT File Transfer

The article describes how to integrate a store with Hunger Rush POS store with Decision Logic. The Hunger Rush ‘Close Day’ Procedure is required for the UDT File Transfer for sales, labor, and other data from the POS to process into Decision Logic.


Here is a Quick Reference Guide for stores that are new to the Hunger Rush - Decision Logic integration

New Store Onboarding - Quick Reference Hunger Rush Guide

Table of Contents

For additional questions or assistance, please submit a support ticket by visiting the Decision Logic Service Center.

Getting Started

  1. Each location will need to have a unique ID populated in the Store# field in the POS.

  2. Navigate to Config > Business Info > Store # and assign a unique value to each location. 
    XML Name schema is the following:

  3. Hunger Rush or the customer to complete Universal Data Transfer (UDT) Install 




Enabling the XML export

Enabling the XML export to automatically save the file on a Hunger Rush station1 computer and then upload that file to a designated FTP server is a simple process. 

  1. To enable the XML export, please navigate to Management > Reports > Report Packages > FTP.

  2. Check the box for “Auto upload at close of day” in the Data Upload Section.

Hunger Rush or the store can turn this file generation on at no cost. This will update Hunger Rush POS to automatically generate the XML file and save it locally on the POS: C:\Revention\Export\ . Hunger Rush POS will then attempt to upload the XML file to an FTP server designated in the “FTP Server Setup” section.

FTP Server Setup

Each location will need to have the “FTP Server Setup” section populated with credentials for a Decision Logic FTP server.

This step is not required but will have impacts on manager close day procedures if not completed.

  • If the FTP Server Setup section is not populated with valid data, the closing manager will receive an error popup during the close day process.

  • The manager MUST stay at the POS and click “OK” to the error prompt that displays because of this.

  • If the manager does not click OK to this message, the close day process will not complete, and credit card batching/other automated processes will not complete.

  • The XML file is automatically generated when you perform the close day function.

  • The setup for automatic file generation is completed in the software in this area in case you have to configure it.


Setting up an XML transfer at close of day

  1. After you go into the report tab. Select the report packages tab.

  2. Then you will see this page.


  3. Select FTP tab.

  4. You will use the top portion and setup an FTP server address with the user credentials.

  5. Then select the flag for auto upload at close of day. You can add more data by going into the data options.

  6. You can also run this manually by generating and uploading the file.


  7. If you select the data options: This allows for additional data points in addition to the base reporting and there are two different formats.



To Close the Day

If the XML files are not generating, it is because the manager at the store is not using the software correctly and following the close day process. Generating this data and transmitting it is the store's responsibility. The continued generation and upkeep of this data flow cannot be maintained by Hunger Rush without charging for labor and resources used to manage the Business.

  1. From the main navigation screen and press the Mgmt button and then click Close Day in the following submenu.

  2. From the Open Orders section, make sure all the open orders are resolved.
    Open orders are orders that need to be Comped, voided, or paid for.
    The goal is to make sure there are NO open orders displayed.


  3. From the Open Cash Drawers section, make sure all the open drawers are closed.
    Open Cash Drawers are Drawers or employees that need to be balanced.
    The goal is to make sure there are NO open drawers displayed.


  4. From the Employees on Clock section, make sure all employees are clocked out.

    Folks displayed here are currently still on the clock and either need to be clocked out or have their time edited.

    The goal is to make sure there are NO active employees before closing.


  5. Press the Close Day button to close the business day.


  6. A manager will need to stay at station 1 to click “OK” to the error that displays to ensure file generation occurs.
    If the manager does not, the close day process will halt at this point, and no file will be generated.


  • This step is not required but will have impacts on manager close day procedures if not completed.

  • If the FTP Server Setup section (Blue Highlight in the screenshot above) is not populated with valid data, the closing manager will receive an error popup during the close day process.

  • The manager MUST stay at the POS and click “OK” to the error prompt that displays because of this.

  • If the manager does not click OK to this message, the close day process will not complete, and credit card batching/other automated processes will not complete.

Generating files for previous days


If any data is changed or not sent for a previous day after the day has been closed, the manager will need to re-generate the file.
This includes but is not limited to changes for the following items:

  • Cash drawer open/close/balance

  • Re-opening business day

  • Sales changes after re-opening (voiding canceled orders or chargebacks from sales)

  • Clocking out an Employee the next business day

To Resend data to Decision Logic, first, a new XML file in Hunger Rush must be manually generated by the manager.

  1. Management > Reports > Report Packages > FTP Tab

  2. In the FTP Data Upload section, select the desired date to regenerate

  3. Click Generate File

  4. Proceed with the steps in Universal Data Transfer (UDT) Launching UDT Client and Sending Data


The Hunger Rush steps listed above were provided by Hunger Rush.

Please note, prior to June 2020, Hunger Rush dba was Revention.



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