How do employees Request Time Off through the Employee Central mobile app?

How do employees Request Time Off through the Employee Central mobile app?

This article shows store employees how they can request time off using the Employee Central mobile application.


With the Decision Logic Employee Central app, team members can request time off, offer and pick up shifts, and request changes to their availability. Managers will approve or deny employees' requests for time off, shift changes, and availability change requests on Decision Logic’s web platform.

Employees can also cancel a request for time off inside the Employee Central mobile app.

Managers can create Blackout Dates to showcase to employees dates that they cannot ask off. Blackout dates do not prevent employees from submitting a request. Managers will need to approve or deny the request for each blackout date the request is submitted.



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Request Time Off

Employees with access to the Employee Central app need to log into the mobile app to begin the process of requesting time off.


  1. Log in to the Employee Central mobile application.

  2. Tap Menu.

    Menu Tab.png

  3. Tap Time Off.

  4. Tap the + icon.

  5. Double-tap on a Single Date or select a Date Range.

  6. Tap All Day or select a Time Range.

    1. Unchecking All Day populates an option to select a specific time range being requested for time off.

  7. Tap Next.

  8. Employee must enter a Reason for the request.

  9. Tap Send Request.


A success message will appear and the request will be Pending on the Employee Central mobile app. Approved requests will appear in the Approved tab, and denied requests will appear in the Denied tab.




The request is sent to Decision Logic’s web-based platform where a manager will need to approve or deny the request.


Cancel Request Time Off

Employees can cancel request for time off if the request is in Pending status.


  1. Log in to the Employee Central mobile application.

  2. Tap Menu.

  3. Tap Time Off.

  4. Tap Pending.

  5. Tap X next to the request.



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For additional questions or assistance, please submit a support ticket by visiting the Decision Logic Service Center.

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