How do employees View their Schedule on the Employee Central mobile app?
This article shows where employee can view their individuals schedules and full schedules on the Employee Central mobile application.
Employee with access to the Employee Central mobile application can quickly view their schedule when logging into the mobile app. Additionally, employees can see the full schedule of their teammates on dates they have selected.
When an employee logs into the mobile app, they will land on their schedule as default. Employees cannot see previously posted schedules. They can only view the current and future schedules if the manager posts them.
Click the YouTube icon to see a bigger frame. This will take you to YouTube directly.
View Individual Schedule
Log in to the Employee Central mobile application.
The My Shifts tab will be the landing default page. Employees can see the dates and times they are scheduled.
Dates and times with light gray lines are when an employee is unavailable to work. Employees can request changes to their availability through the Employee Central app.
View Full Schedule
Employees can view the store’s schedule on the selected date. However, schedules must be posted to view them.
Log in to the Employee Central mobile application.
Tap Full Schedule.
Tap on a Date to view different dates. Only schedules that are posted are visible.
Tapping the Home icon will bring users back to My Shifts (schedule).
Table of Contents
For additional questions or assistance, please submit a support ticket by visiting the Decision Logic Service Center.
Check out these helpful links.
How do I reset my Forgotten Password to the Employee Central mobile app?
How do I Request Time Off through the Employee Central mobile app?
How do I invite or re-invite employees to join the Employee Central mobile app?
How do employees download, create an account log in to the Employee Central mobile app?
Where can I view my Activity History on the Employee Central mobile app?
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