How do I Finalize Terminations?

How do I Finalize Terminations?

This article provides an overview of how to finalize terminations in Decision Logic.


You do not need to use the finalize term page as long as previous POS IDs are not used by future employees. It is only recommended this function be used after the payroll period to 'free up' old POS IDs from terminated employees that may be reused by new employees.

If employee POS IDs are being reused in your organization this function is a required part of payroll functions in Decision Logic to allow POS IDs available for use by future employees.


Using the finalized term page will remove employees from historical reporting if their POS ID is used by a new employee. To preserve your payroll reporting export, consider storing the data in Documents.


As a best practice, it is not recommended to re-use POS IDs for employees.


In the event this occurs, you will need to do one of the following:

  • Either change the EEIF record of the termed employee to a new (unused) number in the Employee Roster.

  • Use the Finalize Terms function to "free up" that POS ID for use by a new employee in the Decision Logic database.


This complete the termination process and releases that employee number back into the system. The employee will remain in between “active” and “terminated” until this process is complete.  If termination is finalized before the end of the payroll period, and the employee number is reused, this will cause duplicate records.


Finalize Termination

Begin by navigating to:

Reports > Employee Info > Finalize Terms


  1. Select the Company, Region, Group, or Store.

  2. Select a Date.

  3. Click Go.

  4. Click Finalize.

    1. This will finalize the termination of all employees listed and remove their connection to their POS ID, freeing up that number for a new employee in Decision Logic.

      1-4. Finalize Terms.png


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