Where can I research checks and their details?
This article shows users where to locate guest checks and download the information.
Decision Logic’s Check Research report allows users to view past checks and their details. This feature is a great tool to use for verifying, researching, or troubleshooting past guest checks through a multitude of filter options. Users can download the check overview and its details.
View Check & Check Details
Begin by navigating to:
Reports > Sales and Ranking > Check Research
Select a Start and End Date.
Highlight a Store or multiple Stores.
Click the Right Arrow to move the store(s) to the box on the right. This action indicates which store(s) the platform should research.
Select parameters to quickly locate the check(s) you are looking for.
Check # (number) and associated dropdown and range options.
Check Amount and associated dropdown and range options. These fields represent the check’s total dollar amounts without tips added to credit/debit card transactions.
Discount Type and the associated options.
Menu Item and the associated text field. This field allows you to search by entering a menu item’s name.
Payment Type and the associated options.
Click Search.