What are the features of the Employee Central mobile app?

What are the features of the Employee Central mobile app?

This article is for restaurant staff members who use the Employee Central mobile application. Store managers will use the Digital Manager mobile applications.

If you are looking for information on employee scheduling, click here.


The Employee Central mobile application is our labor-related mobile app. This app allows employees to:

  • View broadcast messages that a manager has created.

  • View their posted schedule.

  • Pickup available shifts.

  • Request team members to pick up their shift (release a shift).

  • Request changes to their availability.

  • Request time off.

  • View their activity history and previous broadcast messages.

  • Message their team members.

Create Account

First, check your inbox for an email that was sent to the address you provided to your manager.

  • Search your email for info@decisionlogic.co if you are having trouble locating the invitation or the password reset email

    • It may have been moved to a junk or spam folder, depending on your email settings. 

    • Please note that Gmail is now hiding the Spam folder.

    • For Hotmail users, add info@decisionlogic.co to the safe senders' list. 

    • For work or school email addresses, you may want to reach out to your IT contact and ask them to allow the sender's domain in their email system.

Next, click or tap the Create Account link in the email. 


Create a Username and Password. Then click or tap Create Account.


You will be prompted to download the app. Click or tap the link for the type of device that you are using. The minimum operating system versions are Android 4.4 and iOS 9.0.

Login To Employee Central 

Download the Employee Central Application to your device using the links to Google Play or Apple App Store sent in your email.  Log in using the credentials that you set up when creating your account.

If an employee gets a new mobile device, they will need to download the Employee Central device and use the same credentials to log in.



Forgot Password?

Select Forgot Password on the Employee Central, login screen to reset your password. 

  • If your manager has entered both an email and a phone number for the Employee Roster account, then the forgot password request can be sent to either your email or phone number, both options will work.

  • If your manager has only entered an email for the Employee Roster account> then the forgot password request will need to be requested using the email option to get an email link generated and sent to your email. 

  • If your manager has only entered a phone number for the Employee Roster account > then the forgot password request will need to be requested using the phone number option to get a text link generated and sent to your phone. 

  • Password resets expire after 1 day. If more than one day has passed since the Forgot Password option has been selected, you will need to place a new request. 



View Schedule & Shifts 

After you log in, you are taken the Home tab to view your shifts for the current week called My Shifts. You can also view the Full Schedule which includes all employees that were scheduled for the date you are viewing. 



Menu Options

Users will tap the Menu tab to:

  • Pick up Available Shift

  • Request changes to their Availability

  • Request Time Off

  • Logout of the Employee Central mobile app


Tap Availability from the Menu tab to view the days and times that you are available to work and request changes to availability. Managers will approve or deny request changes to an employee’s availability.


Availability Change Request

From the Availability Menu option, tap the pencil icon on the day that you want to request changes.

Tap + to add availability, red X to remove availability, and the pencil icon to edit availability. Each of these actions is a request and will go into a list for your manager to approve or deny. They will be labeled Pending until your manager approves or denies the request.

Tap the Undo icon to cancel your request.




Shift Swapping

Offering a Shift

You can offer any shift to other staff members you share a job title with (dish, cook, bartender, server, etc.) by tapping on the shift you are offering up.



Then choose the team member(s) to whom you want to offer the shift, or Select All, and tap Next.



Enter the reason that you want to give for offering the shift and tap Send Request.




Your shift has now been offered to the staff member(s) selected and it will have a circle icon indicating the request is pending approval.





Picking Up An Available Shift

You can see the shifts that have been offered to you by tapping Available Shifts from the Menu. You can only pick up shifts if you share the shift’s job code.


Tap an Available Shift and click Accept. Accepting a shift will move that shift into the Requested tab, and a manager will need to approve or deny the pick up request.


By tapping the Requested tab, the employee can see which shifts they have picked up and/or released, and are waiting to be accepted (picked up) by a team member. A manager must approve or deny all shift swap requests.





Request Time Off

Employees can request time off through Employee Central mobile app. Managers must approve requests for time off.

Tap Time Off from the Menu.




Tap the Date(s) on the calendar you are requesting off then tap Next. Double-tap on a single date if requesting only one day.


Provide a reason for the requesting off and tap Send Request.


A manager will need to approve or deny the request. You can cancel the time off request by tapping X.





Send Message

Users can send messages to each other inside the Employee Central mobile app. This feature allows for communication without employees having to share their personal cell phone numbers.

Tap Messaging on the bottom of the app.



Tap the pencil icon to begin a new message or tap a thread to respond or continue a conversation. Users can create a group chat.






Activity History

You can view your personal activity and broadcasts created by your store manager.

Tap Activity to view your history.



The mobile app will default to your personal activity history, where you can view updated schedules, approval or denial of time off requests, availability changes, and shift swaps. Toggle between Personal activities and Broadcast by tapping the appropriate tab.




Rehired Employees using Employee Central

The Employee Central password reset currently does not work on employees that were previously using the Employee Central app, and was later terminated and then rehired.

  • In this situation, your team will want to contact us with the rehire's full name, location, and restaurant concept, and we will get the account reset.

  • You will want to share this information with your GMs and Administrative team. 

  • After we reset the employee's account, they can use the password reset feature on the app, and a message will be sent.

  • You may want to confirm that current phone and email information is entered into the Employee Roster.

  • You may also want to see if your employee is set up to use the Text option or the email option (you can find this in the Employee Roster).



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