How do I Export an Order Guide?
This article show Decision Logic Administrators, Purchasing Officers, etc. how to export an order guide.
Users with ‘View’ and ‘All’ permissions for Dynamic Exports can access and export all dynamic exports listed for an organization, including the Order Guide.
Exporting all order guides allowes users to:
Verify pack size and product description.
View Product ID
Verify distributors with multiple centers have all ingredients needed available.
View if franchissess are reciving the same or best price as other franchisee distributors.
General troubleshooting.
Export Order Guide
Users can quickly export all order guides by navigating to:
Exports > Dynamic Exports
Click Order Guides (All Stores). All store order guides will be exported regardless of the parameters selected.
Check the box for “Include Headers in Export File” if you’d like headers on the export file.
Select the Export Type.
Comma or Tab.
Click Run Export.
Users do not need to select a date range or week. The date range is intended for other reports listed on the Exports page. Clicking Run Export will run all order guides for every store withing the organization.
Export Example & Definitions
Below is an example of an exported Order Guide. The order guide will download as a CSV. file.
Header | Definition |
SetName | Order Guide Name |
DCName | Distributor Name |
Category | COGS Account Category |
DCItemNumber | Distributor Item Number |
DisplayDescription | Distributor Item Description |
PackandSize | Case Quantity Description |
ProductId | Ingredient Number |
ProductDescription | Ingredient Name |
RecipeMultiplier | Number of Recipe Measures per Inventory Measure |
RecMeasure | Recipe Measure |
InventoryMultiplier | Number of Inventory Measures per Case |
InvMeasure | Inventory Measure |
locationID | Order Guide Location ID |
Location | Order Guide Location |
DateLastUpdated | Timestamp of the last Bid File change |
Table of Contents
For additional questions or assistance, please submit a support ticket by visiting the Decision Logic Service Center.
Check out these helpful links below.
What are the features of the Odering Home page (overview)?
How do I enter or post an electronic order?
How do I receive electronically placed orders?
How do I receive electronically placed orders with ‘Exceptions’ & what does that mean?
How do I manually receive orders?
How do I enter (receive) paid-outs?
How do I manually receive electronic credits (e-credits)?
How do I view, edit, or delete a posted order (Order History)?
How do I sort my Order Guide from sheet to shelf & set PARs?
How do I transfer to & receive products from another store (IUT)?
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