Fintech Integration

Integration Summary

Fintech's alcohol electronic payment system allows retailers to pay their alcohol distributors easily. It is NOT an ordering system


File Types Support through Decision Logic Integration:

  • No E-Orders.

  • Fintech Integration Invoice integration only.

  • Bids can be sent to customers via email as part of the request to and will need to be created and maintained manually in Decision Logic by an end user.

    • Fintech typically sends a daily invoice file with invoices included for all distributor partners for the day.

    • Fintech can send a pricing file weekly to customers; however, this file includes all line items processed over the last week and does not indicate if there were price changes or new products as they do not currently track that information.

    • In addition to the weekly pricing file, Fintech can typically send the client a daily CSV file for the line item details.

Request the Integration

  • From Fintech:

    • Decision Logic customers must request the integration on their company's behalf and provide their Fintech customer number to Fintech and cc your Decision Logic project manager. Request the sample files and FTP credentials below to begin. 

  • From Decision Logic:

    • Once you have collected the Fintech Integration#RequestSampleFilesandFTPCredentials and completed the Fintech Integration#DistributorMapping in Decision Logic you are ready to have Decision Logic establish the FTP connection for automation of the integration. Request a Fintech Integration from or your Decision Logic project manager.

      • A scope of work for the integration will be sent to you and must be returned with a signature prior to deployment of the integration.

      • Decision Logic will need 2-4 weeks from the time the scope of work is returned to complete development.

      • Your project manager will notify you when the integration is live.

 If you would prefer to test the integration prior to going live please notify you project manger at the time of the request to use a test site for validation prior to going live. 

Example Email Request

Example Request

Email to: 

cc: and

We would like to get a Fintech to Decision Logic integration started. Our Fintech Customer number is __. Please provide the following requirements listed below and let us know when this can be automated for Decision Logic?

  • Fintech Sample Files

    • All Distributors

    • All Distributors Vendor Ids

    • Store or Location Ids (sometimes referred to as Fintech Retailer Store Ids)

  • Fintech Customer FTP Credentials

    • Host Address

    • User Name

    • Password


Request Fintech sample files and FTP credentials.

Information requested must contain all of the following to ensure complete integration and accurate set up.

  • Fintech Sample Files

    • All Distributors

    • All Distributors Vendor Ids

    • Store or Location Ids (sometimes referred to as Fintech Retailer Store Ids)

  • Fintech Customer FTP Credentials

    • Host Address

    • User Name

    • Password

Decision Logic Site Set-Up

Once you have sample files you can begin setting up Decision Logic for Fintech Invoice Import at each restaurant location.


  1. All Distributors who use Fintech should be entered into Decision Logic > Distributors Maintenance.

    1. Using the same Fintech naming convention is helpful but not required.

  2. Fintech IDs for all Distributors & Store Locations.

    1. Vendor IDs.

      1. Ensure that each Distributor only has 1 Vendor ID. Decision Logic does not currently accommodate multiple Vendor IDs for a single Distributor. Contact Fintech for guidance on how to correct multiple Vendor IDs to a single Vendor ID.

    2. Retailer Store Ids for all Locations on Decision Logic.

Example of Vendor IDs. These can be alpha or numeric and will be used as Decision Logic > Distributors > Cust #.


Example of Retailer IDs (also called Store ID or Location Ids) Fintech will provide these IDs. 

They may contain leading zeros. Leading Zeros will be stripped during the Decision Logic import process.

Do not add leading zeros to set up.


Decision Logic Fintech Distributor Mapping

Go to Maintenance > Company > Distributors.

  1. Map the Fintech Vendor ID to Decision Logic > Distributors > Cust #.

    1. MUST prefix all Cust # with "FIN".

 If you change the Vendor ID in Fintech you must update this field in Decision Logic to match. Failure to due so will result in failed import of invoices into Decision Logic for this Distributor. 


The Fintech Vendor ID should match the Cust # on the Distributors page in this way:

Fintech Vendor ID = SIGEL

  • The Fintech Vendor ID must be entered in the Cust # field with the prefix FIN. There is a 10 character limit so the longest it could be is FINxxxxxxx.

  • The Fintech Vendor ID field should match the expected value of SIGEL, but if it does not match then the Invoices will not import.

  • Fintech will want to edit the file that contains the invoices to have SIGEL instead of KEYSIGELS:

  • You will want to ensure that the Fintech Vendor IDs that you have entered, for any distributors that are missing an invoice is set up correctly in Fintech.

  • For this example, someone would need to change the Fintech Vendor ID from KEYSIGELS to SIGEL.


Customer IDS

These will be used for mapping the invoice Decision Logic receives from Fintech 

  1. Map the Fintech Retailer ID to Decision Logic > Distributors > Stores > Cust Store

    1. IDs may have leading zeros. Leading Zeros will be stripped during the Decision Logic import process. Do not add leading zeros to set up. 

  2. Map Fintech Retailer ID to Decision Logic > Distributors > Stores > Cust Id

    1. IDs provided may have leading zeros. Leading Zeros will be stripped during the Decision Logic import process. Do not add leading zeros to set up. 

    2. If you have an existing ordering integration for the distributor do not overwrite existing Cust Ids for Electronic Distributor Integrations 

Bid Files

Initial Set Up

  • Request a history file from Fintech for the last 30,60 or 90 days of purchases that have the following:

    • vendor name

    • item number

    • pack size price

  • This information should be entered into Decision Logic bid file template and can be imported via our Service Center.

Ongoing Maintenance:


  • Decision Logic can only support vendorid up to 10 characters. Please modify your Fintech set up accordingly. 

Receiving Fintech Invoices

There are 2 ways you can configure Decision Logic for your operations team to receive invoices. 

  Important note: the order will not be sent to your distributors via this Decision Logic integration

  1. By default the site will be configured to receive Fintech Invoices by distributor using How do I receive electronically placed orders with ‘Exceptions’ & what does that mean?#ManualReceivebyE-Invoice

  2. If you are expecting to create the order in Decision Logic and then send it to your distributor manually you can request Decision Logic enable a website config that will allow you to create orders for manual distributors. This would allow users create a 'fake order' which it will show up How do I receive electronically placed orders?. Then users will receive the manual order and select the appropriate e-invoice to tie the order to. 

Fintech Contacts


  2. Escalation of implementation issues Fintech Implementation Contact: Brian C. Nelms Implementation Supervisor.



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