Migrating an existing store to Toast

Migrating an existing store to Toast

Toast Integration: Sales Labor and Menu Mix data


  1. Confirm you have completed creating the following sets for Toast data translation in Decision Logic.

    1. POS Admin

    2. Menu Maintenance > Menu Set Add the location to the new Menu Set and remove them from the old menu set.

      1. If you have not done these steps or are not sure if the sets are built or complete, Request a current export of Toast PLUs from the Decision Logic Service Center to populate or validate these sets. We will retrieve a mapping file with contents for both sets to share with you for validation.

  2. Confirm you have all expected historical Sales and Labor from the old POS system loaded into Decision Logic.

    1. If not, run the How do I install the Universal Data Transfer (UDT) Program? Or contact helpdesk@decisionlogic.co for assistance importing historical.

  3. Lock your historical Sales and Labor from the End of Day.

    1. see What and where is the End of Day page?

Prior to the day of the migration: 

  1. Confirm you have all expected historical Sales and Labor from the old POS system loaded into Decision Logic.

    1. If not, run the How do I install the Universal Data Transfer (UDT) Program? Or contact helpdesk@decisionlogic.co for assistance importing historical

  2. Lock your historical Sales and Labor from the End of Day.

    1. see What and where is the End of Day page?

  3. Migrate the store off of the existing POS Admin and Menu Maintenance > Menu Set and onto Toast sets by removing store(s) from the old set and re-assigning the store(s) to new sets.

  4. Customers will want to uninstall UDT or request that Decision Logic disable UDT tasks, once all sales and labor have been received and locked. This should be completed prior to migrating to Toast.

Request or Schedule Migration with Helpdesk

Once Toast confirms our credentials are updated with a Toast GUID and access to this store, please provide the Toast GUID to helpdesk@decisionlogic.co or create request here.

  • No UDT install required. Developers will configure the integration on the back end at Decision Logic.

    • Configuration and data re-pulls will be completed on the back-end at Decision Logic.

    • Please provide the Toast GUID

  • Customer, please lock your historical Sales and Labor from the End of Day.

    • Decision Logic can check as a quality assurance measure that you have locked the last 7 days of Sales and Labor to prevent prior POS system data from being overwritten. 

  • Decision Logic will confirm when the integration is configured.

    • You can begin validating the DSR the following day after data transfer has completed.


  • There should be no need to change to the inventory schedule for a current store using the system due to a technology change on the POS side.


© 2023 Knowledge Management Systems, LLC. Decision Logic. All Rights Reserved.


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For additional questions or assistance, please submit a support ticket by visiting the Decision Logic Service Center.

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