Ingredient Management
Decision Logic offers the ability to view cost and variance reporting across all distribution centers with Ingredient Management.
Create ingredients for all inventoried items
Ingredients will be used in
Prepped Items
Menu Items
Bid Files
Start by Navigating to Maintenance > Product > Ingredient Management or search "Ingredient Management".
New Ingredient | Search | View Mapping Info | Show Recipe Detail | Edit | IvA | Recipe Cost | Allow Credits | Prep | Manage Account or Cost Category |
Add new ingredients to use in recipes or any product to inventory. Be sure and add new ingredients to Inventory Sets Maintenance. | Enter an item’s description name and click Go. | Right click on an ingredient to view the Mapping Info. Distributor Bid Files information See what order guide an item is on. See what inventory set an item is on. | Right click on an ingredient to Show Recipes' detail.
| Right click on an ingredient to Edit ingredients. Recipe measure | Check the box to add an ingredient to IvA reporting. Uncheck the box to remove an ingredient from IvA reporting. IvA is the variance between ideal usage and actual usage, typically displayed in units. A Non-IvA icon will appear on the Cost & Variance report when the box is unchecked. | Check the box to include recipe cost. Uncheck the box to to exclude in recipe cost. A Non-Rec icon will appear on the Cost & Variance report when the box is unchecked. Unchecked, the inventory metrics will appear on the Cost & Variance report. However, variance will be 0 because Theoretical costs will equal Actual costs. | For items set up to allow credits, ensure bid file price is set to positive. Credits should be entered as in the form Negative Quantity * Positive Price | When the box is checked, IvA, Recipe Cost and Allow Credits columns will be disabled. Users cannot make changes to the Prep column. |
Helpful tip when decided which boxes should or should not be checked.
Recipe Cost flag:
When checked:
The ingredient will be included in the Recipe Cost on the TvA Store Summary report.
The ingredient will report as normal on the Cost & Variance report.
When unchecked:
The ingredient will be included in Non-Recipe Cost on the TvA Store Summary.
The ingredient will have zero Variance on the Cost & Variance report.
The ingredient will have a Non-Rec icon on the Cost & Variance report.
IvA flag solely governs whether an ingredient is included in IvA reporting.
When checked:
The ingredient will be included on IvA reporting.
When unchecked:
The ingredient will be removed from IvA reporting.
Table of Contents
For additional questions or assistance, please submit a support ticket by visiting the Decision Logic Service Center.
Creating a New Ingredient
Begin by navigating to:
Maintenance > Product > Ingredient Management
Click New Ingredient.
Define the Ingredient information:
Ingredient Name
Food Type and Liquor Type are used to break out the ingredients on All Food IvA and Beverage IvA, respectively.
Show on IvA by checking the box.
Treat as Recipe Cost is defaulted as checked. Uncheck if necessary.
Allow Credits by checking the box.
Define the Measures:
Recipe by the…
Inventory by the…
Click Show Measure to define the measurements in more details.
Check or uncheck the appropriate Recipe and Inventory boxes.
Click New Measure to add new measurement.
Define the Measure Name, check the appropriate Recipe and Inventory boxes, and Save.
Select the Ingredient Group.
Click Show Ingredient Group to view group details.
Click New Group to create a new group.
Enter the Group Name and Save.
Click Save.
Search Ingredient
Begin by navigating to:
Maintenance > Product > Ingredient Management
Users can search for individual items in the Search Bar and click Go. The search will populate a list of ingredients matching the search word entered. Right click on any ingredient to view Mapping Info, Show Recipes, Edit, or Delete that item.
View Mapping Info & Update Multiple Bid Files
Begin by navigating to:
Maintenance > Product > Ingredient Management
Users can right-click to on an ingredient and click Mapping Info to view mapping info, and eventually, update the bid file.
Users will right-click on an item in this view to Edit the Bid File Item. This action will populate an additional tab where users can update the bid file item associated with the item description selected.
Users will Update and Save the item edits.
After the item is saved, users will navigate back to the original tab and click Refresh at the top of the mapping info panel.
Bid File Mapping- All the bid file items that are mapped the ingredient by the distributor, including Account, Pk\Sz\Price\Rec Ms\Inv Ms\Broken Case Flag (on or off)\Catch Weight\Shrink
Order Guide Mapping - will show you the Order Guide Name the ingredient is on, which bid file item that order guide is using, and which Distributor that bid file item comes from.
Inventory Sets – details on set name, hot item flag, and comments.
Show Recipes
Users can right click on an ingredient to Show Recipe details.
Edit Ingredient
Users can right click on an ingredient to access the Edit feature and Save their changes.
If you change measures, you will also need to update your bid file multipliers accordingly.
If you need a new Ingredient Type Added, please submit a support ticket by visiting the Decision Logic Service Center.
Delete an Ingredient
By design, our system does allow you to delete data that has historical reporting. Instead, we recommend that you change the name for prepped items or ingredients with a preface of X or DNU or Do Not Use.
Users can right click on an ingredient to Delete the item. Users will select Yes to confirm the deletion.
Ingredient Accounting Category Map |
Inventory |
Inventory Intermediate |
Inventory Ingredient Active List |
Inventory Set Product Map |
Store Inventory Location Map |
Menu Products |
Ingredient Sort |
Ingredient Group Map |
Inventory Requested Changes |
Menu Product Sub Recipe |
Production Sheet Product Section Map Bulk Prep |
Production Sheet Set ID Map Bulk Prep |
Production Sheet Store Map Bulk Prep |
Store Ingredient Accounting Category Map |
Sub Recipe Mx |
Production Sheet Item Map |
Production Sheet On Hand Count |
Production Sheet Override |
Production Sheet Section Store Item Map |
FAQ Keg Credits
If you need to have both credits AND deposits tracking as separate line items on a single receive you will need to create 2 ingredients and 2 bid files (one for the credit and one for the deposit). Then be sure to put the ingredient on the inventory set and bid file items on the order guides for a Manual Receive.
If you want to manage these as a single line item:
Create a single ingredient called keg credit/deposit.
Create a bid file item under each distributor as a single item number with a positive price.
put the ingredient on the inventory set.
put the dc item # on the order guide.
When doing manual receive:
Credits should be entered as a negative quantity.
Deposits should be entered as a positive quantity.
We want to ensure that all customers have access to our most current templates for the bulk import of data into Decision Logic. We can generate the following templates for you at any time. These can be returned via email to
Import Templates
Bid file Items
Menu items
How it works:
Start with the Ingredient Template. Fill that out with any items we need to set up for inventory and send it back to
Once we import ingredients for you, you can ask we generate a new version of the attached bid file template that will contain all the new ingredients we just imported to help you quickly complete bid file mapping
Fill out 1 Bid File Template for each (Restaurant website) for each Distributor, we are adding items for and sending them back to us.
Example: If we are adding bid files to 5 different distributors, you would send back 5 different excel files, each named by the Distributor.
4. Once we import, the next steps for you would be:
Add new Ingredients to Inventory Set.
Add bid file items to Order Guides.
Build Recipes in Recipe Book.
Bulk Menu Item Import. For those using Recipe Book, this feature is currently disabled on your sites in the user interface but we can still import items via the database with the templates.
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